Monday, February 11, 2008

CA Conrad

"Philly Lit Today": Commentary from Philly Writers

#3 in a series--

Thank you for inviting me to write something for this King. I've been living in Philadelphia since 1986, but started coming here for poetry readings in 1984. It's almost not fair to compare the times since in the end time has nothing to do with fairness, so instead of talking about the old days by way of comparison I'll just launch into what is Now.

We're living in a city which is being destroyed by millionaires and billionaires. No two ways about it. What Donald Trump did to the artists of New York City these other men will do to us here in Philadelphia. But while we're here, while we're still able to afford our apartments, and while we're all having to work harder and harder and more and more hours of work each week to keep our heads above the filth of a greedy few, THERE IS POETRY! More poetry than ever! Poetry of every kind! Poetry readings every night of the week somewhere in the city or the surrounding area, you don't have to look hard or far for it, poetry is a mighty force today in the city of brotherly and sisterly Love!

I've just recently turned 42. When I was just a kid learning to find my way to poetry, falling in Love with it, the poets I was reading at that time were mostly dead, in fact some of them dead for centuries. But upon turning 42, I find myself realizing that my favorite poets TODAY are my friends! It's a beautiful thing. My friends show me their latest poems and I'm in awe, I'm in Love, and I feel fortunate, very fortunate. I would not trade this time or this city for any other. Philadelphia taught me how to fall in Love with the world, and as corny as that may sound it's VERY true!

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